Welcome Taco to the FFXIV Chapter Officer Team
Hello Knights! Today the Guild Officer team is pleased to announce that we've asked Taco to join the Chapter Officer team for Final Fantasy XIV and she has accepted.
Taco's primary responsibility will be in planning and running events, but she will be available to you all for anything you require of a Chapter Officer within FFXIV.
Taco has been a formative contributor to the current iteration of the Final Fantasy XIV chapter and frankly the place wouldn't be the same without her. Her leadership on the house redesign and recent events has been invaluable and we're thrilled that she's agreed to take the step to formalize her role within the chapter!
Join me in congratulating, and welcoming Taco to the Chapter Officer Team! Thank you Taco for agreeing to step up for the guild in Final Fantasy XIV.
A reminder to everyone - events are not just the responsibility of the officer team, we strongly encourage folks to host their own events beyond what we offer on a weekly basis. Feel free to reach out to Taco or Taas with ideas if you'd like help on executing. We can provide advice, guild funds and help you with practical things like scheduling the events with the bot. Taco will be an asset and boost to event plans, but there's lots of opportunities for you to host events too!