Lost Ark
Are you planning on playing the upcoming MMOARPG Lost Ark? If so good news - we'll be taking a look at the game as a group and would love to have you join us to explore everything Arkesia has to offer. If you want to follow along and find out more about our plans we've created a role and channel on discord so join the discussion in #og-lostark and add the Lost Ark role in #roles
More about Lost Ark
Lost Ark is an MMOARPG that plays like a strange combination of Guild Wars 1, Diablo and World of Warcraft. There's mechanics rich dungeons and raids with an action based combat system with an isometric camera. This is a very ambitious take on the ARPG space offering a full MMO base.
Oh did we mention its free to play?
More about AKS in Lost Ark
While our primary focus remains Final Fantasy XIV at the moment there's many players looking to take a break after a very busy couple of months in the last few months AND there's a decent chunk of the community who have no or limited interesting in FFXIV.
This game is pretty unique in its gameplay and we suspect people will want to at the very least give it a try. The game has a strong guild system and gives you good reasons to play together. As such our goal is simple: we will explore this game together and see what happens.
And more...
Hit us up on Discord for more information or to let us know if you're interested in playing the game!