Introducing the Aureus Knights Wiki
Knights - I am thrilled to announce that we are launching a brand new resource for the guild - the Aureus Knights Wiki!
Fr a while now we have had a Knowledge Base where I have tried to collect any and all useful links that get posted in discord about games we play. I wanted to pivot that model to be something more collaborative and now with our new wiki anyone in the guild can contribute!
You can view the wiki here:
We also are adding two new capabilities to our Discord server to support this:
1) We now have a /wiki bot ... if you type /wiki you can search our wiki to find, and share links with people on the server
2) We now have a @Wiki Contributor role that you can opt into in the roles channel on Discord. This role will give you access to a special channel for folks who are interested in contributing to our wiki
This is a resource open to everyone (share with your friends if you want!) - feel free to contribute and use the wiki however you feel. If there's a game we don't play and you want a scratch pad to keep track of your learnings about a game that you think other people might find useful, go ahead and use it. If there's any questions feel free to ask me in the wiki-discussion channel (which is part of the opt in role)
Thank you, and see you in Albion or wherever we find you next!