Albion Online Weekly Chapter Update (Week 4)
Welcome to our fourth weekly update of the Aureus Knights Chapter in Albion Online. We've now been playing the game as a group for a month, it's been an incredible journey.
This past week was super busy - we welcome some new recruits, we had a jam packed event schedule, including two events focused on our EU membership and we continued to crush it in the season 19 rankings. We've played half the time most other guilds have in the season, and we've managed to climb into the top 2,000 guilds. If you look at our total fame generation each week, we're around the 1000th most active guild in the game. Considering our humble beginnings, and our early stage as a group playing together I'm super proud and happy to see how far we've come.
I want to thank everyone for contributing to our discussions around the guild armory and our loot split policy. The adoption and support of these programs I think have made more content more available to more people in the guild, and I think that's a really great outcome. We'll continue to evolve these programs in the coming weeks... If you want to learn more about these programs you can see the relevant sections in the wiki, here for the guild armory and here for the loot split policy.
This Week
This coming week will be a big one for the guild. Our focus to date has been on fame generation - we want to be leveling everyone in the guild up as fast as possible, so we can continue to close our mastery gap with players who have been playing for years. We're all excited for when we can put a stop to someone in 8.x gear stomping is simply on the basis of their masteries and gear.
That focus is going to continue for the forseeable future, but we want to make sure we can enjoy the game and start to level up and enjoy a wider range of content. So this week we're going to be slowly taking the training wheels off and jumping into more content.
We've been talking with our alliance partners about how we can work together to participate in ZvZ and other PvP content and we are excited to start working together with them. In that spirite this week we will see the start of that process, starting on Tuesday. On Tuesday we will be having an event alongside Southern Mafia where we do some ZvZ practice in the yellow zone doing faction warfare. The goal is to work on our communication, see how we play together and for us to learn some of the basics of ZvZ content in Albion Online.
I strongly encourage everyone to come out to this event, it will be formative in how we move forward as a group.
This week we'll be having a conversation about the interest in dropping a hideout in the Roads of Avalon. We've been doing quite a bit of Roads work in the last few weeks and it's been a favourite set of content for our group size and experience level. Checkout Discord after this update goes out, and we'll likely be having that conversation in our members only section.
Here's the full event schedule for this week:
Tuesday 8:00pm eastern / 00:00 UTC - ZvZ Practice w/ Alliance in Faction Warfare
Thursday 1:15pm eastern / 5:15pm UTC - Roads of Avalon Scouting Mission (EU Friendly Event)
Thursday 8:30pm eastern / 00:30 UTC - Roads of Avalon Roam
Saturday 8:30pm eastern / 00:30 UTC - Static Dungeon Farm
Sunday 1:30pm eastern / 5:30pm UTC - Static Dungeon Farm (EU Friendly Event)
Please remember to RSVP on these events in discord's #events channel. It helps us plan to know how many folks will be attending.
Thank you all for another great week - I will see you in Albion!