Albion Online Weekly Chapter Update (Week 3)
Welcome to the Week 3 update of the Albion Online Chapter of Aureus Knights! We've had a great week in the game, contuing to learn and grow together. Here's a little look at the week that was and a look ahead at what's to come.
We had a bunch of chapter news drop on the guild this week, so here's a quick summary of what we announced this week!
Guild Armory - we had a discussion on Discord and asked the membership about how we wanted to approach regearing / gearing for events. The discussion was interesting and we've landed on an equitable loot policy that we will be fully announcing in the coming days as well as opening a trial of guild regearing during events. We will have full details on this later this week, but for now just know that there's fun things coming in the guild offering regears!
Equitable Loot Policy - to help make sure that there's equitable loot distribution during guild events and to fund programs like the Guild Armory mentioned above, we will be implementing a loot split policy for guild events. We will also have the full details of this being announced this week, so stay tuned.
Weekly Update
This was a super active week for the guild. We did our first events with our alliance partners Southern Mafia - they ran a static dungeon event for us on Tuesday and on Friday night some of us fought bosses (ok, well one boss) in the Roads of Avalon until the wee hours of the morning (some of us still haven't recovered sleep wise) with them.
Our own events were also a huge success - during our Wednesday Roads event I think we did well - across the board we're looking more assertive and ready to take fights in PvP, everyone is doing a great job on getting their fame up and while we a ways to go, our gear, etc is coming together.
And finally during our Black Zone night yesterday, we managed to have a near flawless evening, taking an outpost (it'll never get old seeing the guild colours flying above a zone in game!) and capturing the outpost's chest (9m into the guild economy!). All while clocking around 1.5m in fame for each participant!
Guild season wise, we continue to kick ass, and continue to be climbing the rankings. This week will see us enter the Top 2000, and I suspect we'll make great progress towards the Top 1000 this coming week.
The Week Ahead
It's going to be a busy week ahead with the full announcement of the Armory (regears), Loot Splits and we likely will be making a decision on our first Hideout this week!
You'll want to check in on Discord and the website frequently, as we'll be cranking out updates throughout the week.
Our event schedule for this week is as follows:
- Tuesday (8:30pm eastern) - Static Dungeon Fame Farm
- Thursday (8:30pm eastern) - Roads of Avalon Roam
- Saturday (8:30pm eastern) - Open event slot, we want to see if we can align our event with whatever the bonus content is at the time
We also will likely try and sneak in an arena night or two this week as well, stay tuned on Discord. Also please try and RSVP in #events on Discord if you are attending, it helps us plan roles, numbers, etc...
And that's a wrap. Week 3 is in the bag, and Week 4 is looking awesome. See you in Albion!